by An Uncommon Lab

Set up nonlinear continuous- and discrete-time simulations quickly in MATLAB.

Handle complex states easily.

Log and analyze throughout.


The odehybrid library for MATLAB makes it easy to create simulations of dynamical systems with both continuous-time components (such as physical models) and multiple discrete-time components (such as digital controllers and signal processors). It's like MATLAB's built-in ode45 function, but extended for discrete-time systems, complex state organization, and logging.

It's open source and free to use even on commercial projects.

We have some quick examples below, and the documentation has a plethora of examples, including all features of odehybrid.

Quick Example

For a stripped-down example, let's simulate an unstable, continuous-time system with a discrete-time stabilizing controller running at 10Hz for 5 seconds.

ode = @(t, x, u) [0 1; 2 0] * x + [0; 1] * u;  % Differential equation
de  = @(t, x, u) deal(x, -[8 4] * x);          % Discrete update equation
dt  = 0.1;                                     % Discrete eq. time step
ts  = [0 5];                                   % From 0 to 5s
x0  = [1; 0];                                  % Initial continuous state
u0  = 0;                                       % Initial discrete state
[t, x, tu, u] = odehybrid(@ode45, ode, de, dt, ts, x0, u0); % Simulate!
plot(t, x, tu, u, 'r.'); xlabel('Time');                    % Plot 'em.
legend('x_1', 'x_2', 'u', 'Location', 'se');                % Label 'em.
Plot of simple simulation.

Complex States

Keeping all of the states in a single state vector becomes tedious when managing larger simulations, so odehybrid can take any number of separate states, hand them separately to the continuous-time and discrete-time functions, and return a log of each separately. The states can be matrices, cell arrays, or structs. We'll extend the above example by adding a disturbance to the ODE and an integrator to the controller to handle the disturbance. Note that we can simply add a new input to the ODE, DE, and initial discrete state cell array.

ode = @(t, x, u, i)   [0 1; 2 0] * x ...        % Continuous system
                    + [0; 1] * u ...            %   with feedback control
                    + [0; 1];                   %   and with a disturbance
de  = @(t, x, u, i) deal(x, ...                 % No change to cont. state
                         -[8 4 1] * [x; i], ... % Update input
                         i + 0.5 * x(1));       % Update integrator
dt  = 0.1;                                      % Discrete eq. time step
ts  = [0 5];                                    % From 0 to 5s
x0  = [1; 0];                                   % Initial continuous state
d0  = {0, 0};                                   % Initial discrete states
[t, x, td, u, i] = odehybrid(@ode45, ode, de, dt, ts, x0, d0); % Simulate!
plot(t, x, td, [u, i], '.'); xlabel('Time');                   % Plot 'em.
legend('x_1', 'x_2', 'u', '\int x_1(t)/2 dt', 'Location', 'se'); % Label.
Plot of simulation with multiple discrete states.

By using separate inputs for separate states and scoping subsystems as fields of hierarchical structs, one can create an elegant system-of-systems simulation.


Not everything we might want to log is a state, so to log additional values, a logger is included. Just create the log and pass it to odehybrid; it will take care of passing the logger to the ODEs and DEs. It looks something like this:

% Create the logger.
log = TimeSeriesLogger();

% Add inputs for the logger to the ODE and DE.
ode = @(t, x1, x2, ..., log) ... log.add('alpha', t, a) ...;
de  = @(t, x1, x2, ..., log) ... log.add('omega', t, w) ...;

% Provide the logger to odehybrid.
[...] = odehybrid(@ode45, ode, de, dt, ts, x0, d0, [], log);

% Show all of the logged values.

There are many more options for logging. See the documentation for more examples.


The interface mimics the familiar ode45 interface, expanded for the new material.

[t, ...                      % Output continuous time-steps
 x1, x2, ...,                % Output continuous states
 td, ...                     % Output discrete time-steps
 y1, y2, ...                 % Output discrete states
 te, ...                     % Output event time steps
 x1, x2, ... y1, y2, ...     % Output event states
 ie, ...                     % Output event index
 ] = odehyrbid( ...
        @ode45, ...          % ODE solver
        ode, ...             % ODE
        {de1, de2, ...}, ... % Discrete update(s)
        [dt1, dt2, ...], ... % Discrete update rate(s)
        [0 100], ...         % Time span
        {x1, x2, ...}, ...   % Initial continuous states
        {y1, y2, ...}, ...   % Initial discrete states
        option, ...          % Options from odeset
        log);                % Logger

The ODE function should take all of the states as input and return the time-derivative of each of the continuous states. If a log is provided to , it should also take the log as an input.

[x1d, x2d, ...] = f(t, x1, x2, ..., y1, y2, ..., [log]);

The discrete update functions should take all of the states as input and return the states (including continuous states) as outputs. If a log is provided to , it should also take the log as an input.

[x1, x2, ..., y1, y2, ...] = g(t, x1, x2, ..., y1, y2, ..., [log]);


  1. Download odehybrid from File Exchange.
  2. Unzip it to some directory.
  3. Add that directory to your MATLAB path.
  4. Done! For bonus, check out examples_odehybrid.m.


This is an open-source project moderated by An Uncommon Lab. To contribute, please contact us.


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Blast through the doc. >>

Read about simulations. >>

Read about the motivation. >>

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